
Relaunched: Selection of Service Provider to Support On-Farm Climate Adaptive Water Management Activities within Talent Retention for Rural Transformation Program

CPIU IFAD will hire a capable Service Provide (SP) that will help reaching project’s objectives.

The consulting services (“the services”) include implementing a set of activities during the period 2022 – 2023 with possible contract renewal for the years 2024-2027 in case of successful performance of the selected Service Provider’s (annual renewal based on performance evaluation).

The main target group for this support will be smallholder farmers (owning and processing of up to 10 hectares of land), youth entrepreneur (YE) and women. Both YE and women shall represent minimum 40% of all project’s beneficiaries for each category.

These project’s objectives and the activities to be implemented by the SP during the total period of project implementation (2022-2027) include:

  • SP will conduct a mobilization campaign that will consist in a seria of primaria-based workshops in the geographic locations more prone to climate risk and to target areas showing a relative higher concentration of poverty, based on the Small Areas Deprivation Index (SADI). The scope of the campaign is to spread the information regarding the possibilities/grants offered by CPIU IFAD and to identify the eligible and willing beneficiaries in order to reach the potential beneficiaries and fulfill the numeric objectives of the project. Minimum 30 mobilization events will be conducted.
  • UCIP IFAD will provide Adaptation Fund’s grants of up to 300,000 USD (not including beneficiaries’ contribution of 10% and VAT) for building Climate Resilient irrigation infrastructure that will include small scale irrigation schemes connected to the existing Central Irrigation Systems of Apele Moldovei or local community water sources. The minimum number of the smallholder beneficiary farmers (owning and processing up to 10 hectares of land) connected to the irrigation infrastructure schemes is 5 and the total number of the beneficiaries during the project’s duration is 400. The task of the SP is to identify the eligible groups beneficiaries and to help them applying to IFAD irrigation infrastructure grants.
  • SP will assist in identifying beneficiaries and setting up 10 to 40 demo plots demonstrating to on-farm irrigation and adaptive agricultural practices, which will be established with financial support of CPIU IFAD. The support will include preparation of the grant application packages including business plans and feasibility studies, technical assistance and post-installation support. These demo plots will be further used for training farmers in irrigation/water management and other climate adaptive techniques. The demo plots will be put in place before training starts. The maximum grant amount is USD 7,500 per one demo plot and a 30% in-cash beneficiary’s.
  • SP will identify and train trainers (ToT), who in their turn will train beneficiaries (small farmers) within Farmer Field Schools hosted by the established demo plots. The total number of the farmers trained on climate-adaptive techniques will be 5000, including minimum 400 farmers trained on efficient irrigation practices. For this, the SP will develop curriculum and simple to use manuals.
  • UCIP IFAD will disburse 885 small grants for climate adaptive on-farm practices during the project’s lifetime, from which minimum 400 grants will go for on-farm small and micro irrigation equipment (and the remaining 485 can be used for other type of climate adaptive equipment if will be decided by IFAD). The maximum amount of the grant is USD 2500 excl. VAT with the beneficiary’s cash contribution of at least 30%. SP will identify, provide extension support and help to prepare necessary application packages for the potential beneficiaries. SP will facilitate the applicants’ formal documentation to be in proper condition, and correspond to legal requirements, so not to be further rejected. This will include technical schemes, drawing for on-farm irrigation set-up and simple investment plans. SP will also provide to the beneficiaries technical assistance/consulting related to post-installation support.
  • The SP will disseminate the information on climate smart and water saving technologies as well as about the support provided by the project in local and national mass media and social media.


For procurement details and qualification and evaluation criteria for shortlist please follow the LINK

Only companies (maximum of 6) that will be selected in the Short List (passing score is 70%) will be invited to submit the technical offer and the financial offer.

Consultants can associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. To be eligible to be included in the shortlist or sign a contract, the applicant/bidder should not have more than two ongoing contracts signed with CPIU IFAD at the time of issuing the shortlist or signing the contract whichever is applicable.

Any request for clarification on this REOI should be sent via e-mail to the address below  no later than 25 August 2022, 17:00 (Moldova Time). The client will provide responses to all clarification requests by 26 August 2022, 17:00 (Moldova Time).

Expressions of interest must be delivered in written form using the forms provided for this purpose. EOIs shall be submitted to the address below no later than 29 August 2022, 17:00 (Moldova Time).




Attn: Nadejda Russu, Senior Procurement Specialist

Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt bd. 162, Chișinău, MD-2004


Tel. (022) 22 - 18 – 80

Articol adaugat de: UCIP IFAD

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