
Request for Quotation RFQ # EJ-08-15-22 Effective Justice IDIQ for Provision of Translation and Interpretation Services


Request for Quotation

RFQ # EJ-08-15-22


Effective Justice IDIQ

for Provision of Translation and Interpretation Services 


Date: August 15, 2022

Dexis Interactive Incorporated requests a quote for pricing and terms of potential provision of Translation and Interpretation Services, as outlined below:


Dexis Interactive Incorporated (Dexis), an international consulting company based in Washington, USA, is currently implementing the USAID-funded Model Court Initiative Project in Moldova (MCI) and Support to the Pre-Vetting Secretariat. 

The MCI project aimed at improving the efficiency, performance, and quality of court services based on best international practices and in line with international excellence standards for court services.  

The Pre-Vetting will support the Moldovan Government’s efforts to reform the justice system and will help establish and support a secretariat for the purpose of reviewing the integrity of candidates for the judicial and prosecutorial administration bodies.   


With this RFQ, Dexis is soliciting offers from qualified companies to participate in the tender for Provision of Translation and Interpretation Services (Written, Consecutive and Simultaneous).

Offerors are responsible for ensuring that their offers are received by Dexis in accordance with the instructions, terms, and conditions described in this RFQ. Failure to adhere with instructions described in this RFQ may lead to disqualification of an offer from consideration.

Offer Submission Deadline 

Offers must be received no later than August 26, 2022, 17:00 local time. Proposals received after the deadline may not be considered.   

Submission of Offers 

All offers must be submitted electronically to the following email address:

Offers must be on company letterhead with the company’s contact name and address.

Please quote reference “RFQ # EJ-08-15-22” in the subject of the email.


Questions and Clarifications  

All questions and clarifications regarding this RFQ must be submitted in writing to no later than August 19, 2022, 17:00 local time. All correspondence must provide reference to the RFQ number. Questions and clarifications that may be of interest to other bidders, will be circulated to all parties that submitted the questions.  

Only the written answers issued by Dexis will be considered official and carry weight in the RFQ process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of Dexis or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions regarding this RFQ. 

Required Documentation

The offers must include the following:  

  • Cover letter, signed by an authorized representative of the offeror, which contains general information about the contractor, including full legal name and address of the company, full name of the legal representative (president or managing director) of the company, a contact name, email address, and telephone number to facilitate communication between Dexis and the prospective contractor;
  • A brief outline of the company - one page summary of the offeror’s capabilities to provide the required services, indicating brief history of the company, year business was started or established, demonstrating at least 3 years of previous experience in provision of written translation and interpretation services on Moldovan market;
  • Official quotation, including specifications of offered equipment (see Section TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS for example format). Offerors are requested to provide quotations on their official letterhead as per format described in the Section TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT, by completing the table provided herein;
  • Sample Translations from Annex A. Sample Translation Passages and Directions;
  • Sample of translated documents (legal field);
  • Copy of offeror’s corporate and tax registration documents or business license;
  • Minimum of three (3) references of the similar work performed in the past three (3) years. References must include the following: name of the entity; contact name, phone number and email address; time periods when the work was performed; brief description of tasks, responsibilities, and deliverables.


Source/Nationality / Origin 

Only firms legally registered in Moldova may submit an offer in response to this RFQ.  


Prices must be quoted as showing unit prices and total prices with VAT 0%. Offers must clearly list all the services, indicate unit prices, quantities, and total price. Quotations must be expressed as fixed price, in MDL (Moldovan Lei).


Dexis’ project requires translation and interpretation services. Required translation and interpretation services include, but are not limited to: translation of reports, graphics, written materials, data collection tools, presentation materials, surveys, etc. The subject areas for translation include the following: democracy, human rights and governance, rule of law, judicial and legal environment for business and citizens, judicial system and access to justice, court administration processes, judicial ethics standards, court automation and modern information technology (IT) solutions in the judiciary, court performance indicators, etc. Dexis expects to request services on as needed basis with different timelines. Dexis may require the following translation services:

  • Romanian to English
  • English to Romanian
  • Russian to English
  • English to Russian
  • Romanian to Russian
  • Russian to Romanian

Validity Period 

Offers must be valid for a minimum of sixty (60) calendar days after the offer deadline.


It is expected that awards will be made based on submitted offers. However, Dexis reserves the right to conduct negotiations and request clarifications prior to awarding the contract.

Basis for Award 

The award will be made to an offeror whose offer is compliant with RFQ instructions and is evaluated as the most advantageous for Dexis.  

Terms and Conditions 

The award is subject to Dexis’ standard terms and conditions. Please note that Dexis standard payment terms are ten (10) banking business days upon receipt of the complete documentation after acceptance of the deliverables. No advance payments are possible.  



Dexis is soliciting quotations from qualified firms for translation and interpretation services that include:

Translation and interpretation services fees as per below price offer template

  • Verbal translation/ Interpretation
  • 1.1



    Consecutive interpretation (MDL), VAT 0%

    Day (8hrs)

    Half day (4hrs)

    One hour

    English-Romanian and v.v.




    English–Russian, and v.v.








    Simultaneous interpretation (MDL), VAT 0%

    Day (8hrs)

    Half day (4hrs)

    One hour

    English-Romanian and v.v.




    English–Russian, and v.v.








    Whispered simultaneous interpretation/chuchotage (MDL), VAT 0%

    Day (8hrs)

    Half day (4hrs)

    One hour

    English-Romanian and v.v.




    English–Russian, and v.v.





       II. Written translation (1800 characters per page)






    Order volume

    time frame

    Price per page (MDL),

    VAT 0%





    English-Romanian and v.v

    1 - 8 pages

    2 days

    1 day



    9 – 24 pages

    5 days

    3 days



    25 - 50 pages

    10 days

    6 days



    50-100 pages

    20 days

    10 days








    Order volume

    time frame

    Price per page (MDL),

    VAT 0%





    English–Russian and v.v.

    1 - 8 pages

    2 days

    1 day



    9 – 24 pages

    5 days

    3 days



    25 - 50 pages

    10 days

    6 days



    50-100 pages

    20 days

    10 days








    Order volume

    time frame

    Price per page (MDL),

    VAT 0%





    Romanian – Russian, and v.v.

    1 - 8 pages

    2 days

    1 day



    9 – 24 pages

    5 days

    3 days



    25 - 50 pages

    10 days

    6 days



    50-100 pages

    20 days

    10 days



    III. Editing and proofreading services (1800 characters per page)






    Order volume

    time frame

    Price per page (MDL),

    VAT 0%






    1 - 16 pages

    2 days

    1 day



    17 – 48 pages

    5 days

    3 days



    49 - 100 pages

    10 days

    6 days





    IV. Additional services solicited:



    Description of goods and service

    Price (MDL),

    VAT 0%


    a) Translation equipment, OFFLINE events, 25 participants, 1 booth, sound system, fixed microphones and 2 mobile microphones, 25 receivers, 2 languages, technical assistance 


    b) Zoom platform and technical assistance during the online event, zoom integration with interpreting systems at hybrid events


    c) TV screen to facilitate the translation process



     Additional devices (according to the needs of the event): 

    a) +1 booth and iDesk for interpreters (+1 language/channel)



    b) +25 receivers (participants)



    c) +2 mobile microphones 



    Transportation of equipment outside Chisinau, 1km 




    Partial Quotes will not be considered.  


    Evaluation of offers will be performed according to the following evaluation criteria:





    ·       The offeror provided timelines for both ordinary and urgent translation services and those are reasonable and competitive (maximum 10p.)



    Relevant experience and proved expertise

    ·        Minimum 3 years of successful work experience in provision of translation and interpretation services proved by relevant portfolio (maximum 15p.)

    ·        The degree to which the Offeror demonstrates a very good professional reputation as evidenced by the recommendation letters and contact references (maximum 15p).



    Quality of technical proposal

    ·       The offeror submitted the sample translations included in the Annex A entitled “Translation Sample (maximum 20 p. for each Sample) and the translated texts are evaluated on correctness of terminology used, accuracy, is the text is formatted, and free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes

    ·       Offeror provided sample of translated documents for other customers (maximum 20 p.) and samples of translated documents are evaluated on correctness of terminology used, accuracy, is the text is formatted, and free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes






    The Offeror that receives the most review points will be recommended for a contract.



    Annex A. Sample Translation Passages and Directions

    Offerors should translate the passages below as per instructions provided beneath and include the sample in their response to this Request for Quotation:

    • From Romanian to English,
    • From English to Romanian, and
    • From Russian to English.

    Offerors are encouraged to provide all three sample translations. The text to be translated:

    Sample 1 (from Romanian to English).

      (1) Persoanele menţionate la art. 3 declară:

      a) veniturile obţinute împreună cu membrii familiei pe parcursul perioadei de declarare;

    b) bunurile mobile şi imobile de toate tipurile, deţinute în proprietate, cu drept de uzufruct, de uz, de abitaţie, de superficie ori aflate în posesia declarantului sau a membrilor familiei lui în baza contractelor de mandat, de comision, de administrare fiduciară, precum şi a contractelor translative de posesie şi de folosinţă (locaţiune, arendă, leasing, comodat) la data depunerii declaraţiei cu privire la venituri şi proprietate;

      c) bunurile realizate prin persoane interpuse sau transmise cu titlu oneros către ascendenţi, descendenţi, fraţi, surori şi afinii de acelaşi grad, precum şi cele transmise cu titlu gratuit către orice persoană;

      d) activele financiare, adică conturile bancare, fondurile de investiţii, formele echivalente de economisire şi investire, plasamentele, obligaţiunile, cecurile, cambiile, certificatele de împrumut, alte documente care incorporează drepturi patrimoniale ale declarantului sau ale membrilor familiei lui, investiţiile directe în monedă naţională sau în valută străină făcute de el sau de membrii familiei lui, precum şi alte active financiare;

      e) cota-parte în capitalul social al societăţilor comerciale a declarantului şi a membrilor familiei lui;

      f) datoriile sub formă de debite (inclusiv taxe neachitate), ipoteci, garanţii emise în beneficiul unor terţi, împrumuturi şi credite.

      (3) Evaluarea proprietăţii se efectuează, conform legislaţiei, prin indicarea valorii (costului) menţionate în documentul care certifică provenienţa proprietăţii (înstrăinare, schimb, donaţie, moştenire, privatizare etc.).

      (4) Prezentul articol prevede declararea veniturilor şi proprietăţii din teritoriul Republicii Moldova, cît şi de peste hotarele ei.

    Sample 2 (from English to Romanian).

    The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Model Court Initiative (MCI) is the first Task Order under the Effective Justice Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity Contract. MCI will be implemented in Moldova from January 11, 2021 to January 10, 2024. Its purpose is to assist the Government of Moldova to improve the performance of courts in delivering quality justice services and to improve the connection between courts, communities, and system users.

    MCI works toward two Objectives:

    1) identifying and supporting Moldovan courts in achieving and maintaining Model Court status

    through improved services to the public, and

    2) supplementary national assistance to facilitate changes needed to improve performance at the

    individual court level.

    Objective 1 activities directly support the development of a common Model Court standard. Elements include the development and wide acceptance of standards for court performance, based in part on international standards such as the International Framework for Court Excellence (IFCE).

    Objective 2 supports national-level policy and administrative changes that encourage high

    performance at the individual court level.

    In implementing its activities, MCI works in partnership with key actors and stakeholders in the justice systems in Moldova, primarily the Superior Council of Magistracy, the Ministry of Justice, the Agency for Court Administration, the National Institute of Justice, as well as the courts throughout the country and CSOs.

    The Project’s activities are led by a team of experienced national legal experts with in-depth knowledge of the Moldovan judicial system. The local team is supported by a wide range of international and national experts who provide specialized expertise.

    Sample 3 (from Russian to English).

    Важно заранее ознакомиться с расписанием судебных заседаний, в которых Вам предстоит участвовать. Расписание размещено на информационных стендах или экранах в здании суда. Его также можно открыть в режиме онлайн на веб-странице суда. Как на информационных стендах и экранах в суде, так и на веб-странице Вы найдете информацию о времени, месте проведения заседания и судье, который будет рассматривать Ваше дело. Кроме того, Вы можете найти полезную информацию о деятельности судебной инстанции и контактные координаты лиц, ответственных за оказание судебных услуг. Если Вы не можете явиться в назначенные день и время на заседание суда, Вы можете подать заявление о переносе заседания, указав причины. Если заявление будет принято, судья назначит новое заседание суда. Однако, Вам следует знать, что повторное заявление о переносе заседания, вызванное намерением затянуть рассмотрение дела, может привести к применению судебного штрафа.

    Если Вы несовершеннолетний(-яя) или опекун несовершеннолетнего, или являетесь лицом с особыми потребностями, и Вам предстоит участвовать в судебном процессе, обсудите это с судьей, отвечающим за рассмотрение дела, и попросите обеспечить Вам в рамках процесса условия, соответствующие вашим потребностям.

    В ходе судебного процесса, Вы можете представлять свои интересы самостоятельно. Однако, если Вам потребуется помощь, Вы можете обратиться к частному адвокату или воспользоваться гарантированной государством юридической помощью. Услуги адвоката являются платными, а гарантированная государством юридическая помощь предоставляется государственными адвокатами и пара-юристами бесплатно для лиц, которые не могут позволить себе оплачивать юридические консультации.

    Articol adaugat de: Dexisonline Interactive