
Individual consultant for training on the use of the Moodle Platform


Selection of individual consultants

IP College Vasile Lupu from Orhei

The Quality Education Project in the College of Orhei (PECCO)


Reference number: MD- V. LUPU- 355156-CS-INDV



Individual consultant for training on the use of the Moodle Platform

  • Informații generale despre proiect
  •       The Higher Education in Moldova project (HISM) is a project financed by the World Bank to be implemented between May 2020 and December 2025. The total cost of the loan is 35.7 million Euros (equivalent to 39.4 million USD) financed by the International Development Association (IDA) and is awarded to the Republic of Moldova in support of higher education in Moldova.

                The objective of the project is to improve the labor market orientation of the selected higher education institutions and quality assurance mechanisms.

                A component of the PÎSM is the Higher Education Improvement Program (PÎÎS) to be implemented by the selected higher education institutions and pedagogical colleges to respond to some of their most pressing needs for the purpose of orientation to the labor market.

                Thus, in order to achieve the objectives of the PÎÎS, the Ministry of Education and Research signed with IP the Vasile Lupu College from Orhei the sub-financing agreement of the Quality Education Project in the Orhei College (PECCO) subproject.

                Through this IP subproject, the Vasile Lupu College from Orhei aims to achieve several objectives in order to modernize educational spaces, develop mechanisms to improve the quality of the teaching-learning-evaluation process, life skills and healthy behaviors among students in the field of education (pedagogy) to train competent and competitive specialists, increasing the chances of employment in the labor field. In the technical professional education institution, a methodical Center for professional training and career guidance, a Multimedia Laboratory, will be set up, which will be equipped with informational equipment and will carry out consulting and training services in the fields of: Continuous professional development of teaching staff Educational support and resources, Curriculum and curricular products, Educational and social partnerships.

                The PECCO project is oriented towards achieving the following objectives:

    O1- The creation of new learning environments, focused on the coherence of curricular, informational, logistical resources and applied didactic technologies, oriented towards the gradual formation of professional and transversal skills, from the perspective of ensuring the quality and sustainability of education.O2 - Developing the professional skills of teaching staff, in order to develop quality educational services by integrating new ways of teaching and learning that capitalize on digital technologies.O3- Updating and valorizing ICT in education by diversifying the means and digital learning resources in relation to the goals of the study programs and the valences of the didactic technologies.O4 - Curriculum development for capitalizing on individual, institutional and community potential in order to correlate and increase the relevance of studies and the continuous improvement of Study Programs. O5 - Creating synergies and capitalizing on the capacities of all partner institutions regarding ensuring the quality and relevance of the professional training of competent and competitive specialists in the field of education.

            In order to achieve objective 3, IP College Vasile Lupu from Orhei has planned the implementation of a training program for 35 teaching staff from the institution. The training services include the training of teachers on the use of Moodle digital platforms in the assessment of school results.

                   As a result of the training program, each participant will develop at least one final digital assessment for a subject or course unit, effectively using the functionalities and resources offered by the Moodle platform.

                   Teacher training will be conducted with two training groups of 16-17 people each. The duration of each session will be - 10 days (75 classroom hours/direct contact). The training of teaching staff will take place in the Vasile Lupu IP College premises in Orhei.

    The institution, if necessary, can ensure the Consultant's accommodation in the College's dormitory.

    2. Objective of the task

                   The main objective is Training on the use of the Moodle Platform by teachers in the evaluation of school results.

    3.   Scope (tasks and responsibilities):

                   During the execution of the contract, the Consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

    - Studying the training needs of teachers and developing, based on those identified, the concept of the training program. The concept of the training program will describe the objectives (the specific knowledge, skills and attitudes that will be achieved as a result of the training), the main topics and the training methodology;

     - Development of training materials;

     - Conducting teacher training activities;

     - Providing individual consultation for participants in the process of finalizing at least one final digital assessment for a discipline or course unit, effectively using the functionalities and resources offered by the Moodle platform (e-mail communication);

    - Elaboration of the final activity report that will include general data on the provision of services, conclusions on the evolution of the participants' skills, suggestions for the management team in monitoring the implementation of the digital assessment tools by the teaching staff.


    4. Duration of task:

            The signing of the contract and the completion of the task is planned for September 2023.

    Tasks, activities, deliverables




    Studying training needs and developing the training program.

    Up to 5 days after signing the contract

    Development and coordination of training materials.

    Up to 10 days after signing the contract

    Conducting teacher training activities (two groups).

    Up to 30 days after signing the contract

    Providing methodological support in the creation of educational digital resources and TIC-assisted assessment tools for the study discipline (two groups)


    Up to 30 days after signing the contract

    Final activity report

    Up to 20 days from the provision of services.


    5. Qualification requirements and assessment basis (assessment criteria) 

    General experience: 30 points

    •  higher education in Educational Sciences or related fields;•  at least 5 years of teaching experience in professional-technical or higher education, in specialized subjects, in the field of Educational Sciences;•  higher teaching degree/first or scientific title/scientific-didactic title;

    Correspondence with project tasks: 30 points

    • at least 3 years of experience in creating digital educational resources and ICT-assisted assessment tools using the Moodle digital platform;•   advanced computer skills, especially word processing and browser use.Language and communication skills: 10 points• possession of the Romanian language (written and oral);•    excellent communication and facilitation skills, with a strong ability to communicate complex ideas in an accessible and attractive way for adults;


    5. Reporting requirements and institutional arrangements

            The contracted consultant will coordinate the activity with the project manager and the deputy director for training and education, will prepare a narrative report and a document specifying the services provided.

    6. Institutional arrangements:

                   The institution will make available to the Consultant a room equipped with a computer for each trainee and with a projection system, Internet access and other necessary supplies.

    7. Privacy statement

               All data and information received for the purpose of performing this task must be treated confidentially and are to be used only in connection with the performance of these Terms of Reference. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these Terms of Reference are assigned to IP Colegiul Vasile Lupu from Orhei. The content of the written materials obtained and used during the performance of this task cannot be disclosed to any third party without the express prior written authorization of IP Colegiul Vasile Lupu from Orhei.

  • Eligibility
  •             The consultant will need to be eligible under the July 2016 IPF Borrower Procurement Regulations as revised in November 2017 and August 2018




    Valentina Sandul 

    Articol adaugat de: Vitalie ColunAlte articole de la acest autor:
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