
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI): Sociological study for monitoring and evaluation of project results


Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI)

Sociological study for monitoring and evaluation of project results


Skat Consulting Ltd (Switzerland, is implementing through the Chisinau-based foundation “Fundatia Centrul Moldo-Elvetian pentru Cooperare SKAT” several internationally funded projects in the areas of water and sanitation, energy efficiency and local governance, aiming at improving the life conditions of the rural population in Moldova.

To address specific needs of monitoring and evaluation in one of our multi-year rural water and sanitation projects, we intend to contract a competent and experienced social research company with demonstrated capacity to design, carry out and interpret social research based on a series of stakeholder and beneficiary interviews in several rural localities in Moldova. Interested companies are hereby invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). Upon analysis of the received EOIs, we intend to identify a small selection of suitable companies that will be invited to provide a technical and financial offer according to detailed ToRs.

The EOI shall contain

  • Brief presentation of the company or institute, legal form, its history, main clients, staff, turnover in the last 3 years
  • CV of company’s director and/or head researcher
  • At least 3 references of social studies completed in Moldova within the last 5 years, preferably for clients involved in international cooperation, involving at least 100 individual interviews, including the following information for each reference, in table form: title and brief description of the study, number of personal interviews conducted, date and period of execution, name and address of client, name and contact data of client’s contract manager, contract value.
  • In case the results of the reference studies are publicly accessible, links to the publication or summary of results.

Documents can be presented in English or Romanian. EOIs will be received by Jonathan Hecke, until 13 July 2023 EOB. We will aknowledge reception by an e-mail response.

Articol adaugat de: Proiectul ApaSan+Alte articole de la acest autor:
  • Proiectul ApaSan+ anunță concurs pentru lucrările de construcție-montare a foselor septice prefabricate cu câmp de infiltrare