Extende Deadline: Thursday, 27 September 2022, 23:59 (Moldova local time)
UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service: Provision of event management services&design, layout, printing, and production of promo products for the VET project as detailed in the Service Requirements/ToR of this RFQ. When preparing your proposal, please be guided by the RFQ document, attached hereto.
Quotations shall be submitted in English or Romanian.
Please note the following guidelines for electronic submissions:
The following reference must be included by the Bidder in the email subject line:
- UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2022/016 – [Company name], Technical Bid
- UNFPA/MDA/RFQ/2022/016 - [Company name], Financial Bid
Offers shall be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: tender.mda@unfpa.org
See on the link more details: https://moldova.unfpa.org/en/submission/extended-deadline-provision-event-management-servicesdesign-layout-printing-and
Ion Ratoi, UNFPA Administrative and Finance Associate / Procurement Focal Point
E-mail: ratoi@unfpa.org" uw-rm-vague-link-id="mailto:ratoi@unfpa.org$send an email to ratoi@unfpa.org" data-uw-rm-vglnk="">ratoi@unfpa.org
Articol adaugat de: Irina Dragutanu civic.md