
Extended Deadline: Framework Tender Notice - People in Need is looking for translation services provider

Contract title:                               Providing the translation (simultaneous, consecutive and written) service in English, Romanian and Russian for all projects     

Project code:                                Various

Tender number:                            MDAC000086   

Procedure:                                    Negotiated with publication

Location:                                       Chisinau, Moldova

Type of framework tender:           Framework contract of Fixed price with Multiple bidders

Contracting Authority:                 Člověk v tísni, o.p.s. (People in Need, hereinafter PIN)

entered in the Register of Non-profit Organizations administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Volume O, File 119

With its registered office at: Šafaříkova 635/24, 120 00 Prague 2

ID: 257 55 277

Local Office Address:                   A. Mateevici 56 Str., MD 2009, Tel.:  +373 60 98 99 05

Part 1: Instructions to tenderers


  • Qualified tender offers (bids) are sought from competent contractors who have valid license for providing the Translation (simultaneous, consecutive and written) service in English, Romanian and Russian for all projects.
  • The scope of the Translation services will include, but may not be limited to translating from/to English, Romanian and Russian languages in the following areas:

    • Energy, and Environment
    • Child Protection and Child Rights
    • Crisis/Conflict Prevention and Recovery
    • Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change
    • Economic and Social Development
    • Gender Issues/Gender-Based Violence
    • Human rights and Education
    • Food Security, Nutrition, and Agriculture
    • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
    • Other Legal Documents.
    • The preferred bidders will be required to enter into a Framework contract of fixed price with a group of bidders (known as cascade system) for a period of 12 months with PIN for the provision of the translation service (simultaneous, consecutive and written) in English, Romanian and Russian for all projects on conditions set out in attached Annex II of the tender documentation.

    2. The contract awarded from this tender to successful supplier(s) is a Framework agreement (FWA) of fixed price. A framework is a non-exclusive agreement with a three (3) qualified suppliers (the best, second best and third best ranking bidders) who will rank the highest scores in meeting the selection criteria to establish terms governing contracts that may be awarded during the period of the Framework agreement. In other words, it sets out terms and conditions for making specific purchase at a set price. PIN, as the contracting authority, does not guarantee any volume of orders under Framework agreements as all purchases will be based on the needs and activities of PIN.

    The FWA will set prices for the FWA duration of 12 months. During the framework agreement contract individual purchases will be initiated by Purchase orders (PO). The Purchase order will be always delivered to the highest-ranking supplier. Only if the highest-ranking supplier would not be able to deliver in requested deadline and quantity, the second supplier will be delivered a Purchase order. if the second supplier would not be able to deliver in requested deadline and quantity, the third supplier will be delivered a Purchase order.

    Each Purchase Order shall specify the following information for each delivery:

    • The description of each service;
    • The total quantity ordered;
    • The total Purchase Price;
    • The required delivery date for the service.


  • If any of the Tenderers requires any clarification relating to the tender, such question should be sent to PIN by email to the following email address:  before November 16, 2022, COB. PIN answering the questions will be copying all the Tenderers. All the communication will be held through email.
  • To ensure that PIN could copy the answer to all tenderers, all Tenderers are advised to send their e-mail contacts to the above specified PIN email address, or otherwise ensure that PIN knows their contact details.

    In case the Tenderer does not inform PIN about corresponding email address, PIN will send the copy of the answer to any email address available to PIN from public sources and then the Tenderer cannot claim that they/it did not know the same information as other Tenderers.

    PIN does not guarantee that all questions will be answered.

    Tender offers should not be dispatched before expiry of the period for questions under the preceding point II. 2. of this notice - if the Tenderer dispatches the tender offer before expiry of that period they/it cannot claim that they/it did not know all information as other Tenderers.

    • The contract is concluded with the winning tenderer. Should the winning tenderer fail to provide to PIN the necessary cooperation to conclude the contract    within the period of 30 days upon the tender results notice, PIN can further negotiate with the second-best tenderer that shall be considered the winning tenderer. Should they fail to conclude the contract with the second-best tenderer within 15 days following the notice, PIN is allowed to cancel the tender. Notice of results shall be deemed the third day following the day of dispatch of the tender results notice.
    • Tender offer must remain valid for the period of 60 days from the date of closing unless withdrawn in writing before the close of tenders.
    • Each Tenderer shall submit only one Tender offer, either individually or as a partner in a joint A Tenderer who submits or participates in more than one Tender offer will be disqualified from the Tender.
    • Tender offers have to be submitted to PIN before closing date and time to following email address: before 17:00, 17 November, 2022.

    Bids received after the closing date & time will not be considered.

    Tender offer must have maximum 20 pages in English.


  • To accept or reject the tender is the responsibility of the Tender Committee, decision of which shall be final.
  • Each tenderer must meet and properly prove the following qualification criteria with relevant documentation
    • Sworn eligibility form, Annex I
    • Authorization to engage in business activities in the respective field
    • Past experience in implementation of similar projects - to be proven by description of past experiences along with references or contracts.

           3. The tender evaluation committee will evaluate and award the contract on the basis of the following evaluation criteria

    • Price includes the payable taxes - 40%
    • Company’s capacity to fulfil the delivery - 35%
    • Written translation test and interview - 25%.

    Evaluation method (performance of evaluation criteria):

    • Each criterion in submitted offer marked according to following formula: Criterion B/Criterion A * criteria weight. Criterion A = most convenient criterion for PIN from all submitted offers; Criterion B = actual criterion offered by the tenderer.
    • These points will be multiplied by criteria weight. For each supplier marks for all criteria are summed up to obtain Total Evaluation. Supplier with highest sum of marks are the winners of the tender. In case of equal number of points, the winning bid will be the one with the lowest price.
    • The interview will be held during the evaluation and informed by PIN via email.


    Further negotiations with a tenderer the about price and conditions are allowed if the negotiation is directed at making the bid more favorable for PIN.

    In justified cases after receiving bids and/or during the negotiation (especially if it becomes apparent, that none of the tenderers can execute the contract in its full extent) is PIN entitled to split the contract between two or more suppliers so, that each of them will supply part of the contract. This decision must be announced to all bidders so, that they have chance to modify their bids.

    Tenderers will be notified about the results of the tender via email within 14 working days after the termination of the tender.


    Tender offer (bid submitted by the tenderer) shall consist of the following documents:





    Sworn Eligibility statement, Annex I

    filled, signed and stamped


    Authorization to engage in business activities in the respective field

    signed and stamped


    CVs of 2 professional translators and 1 quality insurer


    signed and stamped


    Past experience in implementation of similar projects to be proven by description of past experiences along with references or contracts

    signed and stamped


    Written translation test

    signed and stamped


    Quotation form, Annex II

    filled, signed and stamped


    Part 2: Terms and conditions


    PIN shall exclude from the tender any bid of a tenderer falling into any of the following cases:

  • They are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
  • They or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over them have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgement that has the force of res judicata;
  • They have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means that the contracting authority can justify;
  • They have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or those of the Czech Republic or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
  • They or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over them have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity;
  • They do engage in the employment of children, disrespect basic social rights and working conditions based on international labour standards;
  • They have engaged in the trafficking in persons and have provided any support (direct or indirect) of terrorism, including the financing of terrorism, or transactions with persons connected with terrorism;
  • They are currently subject to an administrative penalty imposed by donor or have been listed by the donor as ineligible for participation in award procedures financed by donor´s money;
  • Candidate might be excluded on the basis of another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by PIN or donor of the project, under which they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations;
  • They or any of their employees, associates or other persons related to them provided technical assistance to PIN under that same procurement procedure.
  • Points (a) to (d) do not apply to the purchase of supplies on particularly advantageous terms from either a supplier which is definitively winding up its business activities, or the receivers or liquidators of a bankruptcy, through an arrangement with creditors, or through a similar procedure under national law.

    Tenderers shall declare they are in none of the situations listed above by the signature of Sworn eligibility statement form.

    Bids of tenderers shall be disqualified from the tender who, during the procurement procedure:

  • tenderer is subject to a conflict of interest.
  • tenderer has not stated true facts or has misinterpreted information required by PIN, or fails to provide timely such information or to provide required documents stated by PIN as condition for participation in the tender.
  • tenderer does not meet the PIN qualification criteria or requirements stipulated in the tender documentation.
  • tenderer has fulfilled the exclusion condition mentioned above in preceding article (Part 2, Article I), points c) or i) during the last 2 years prior to the launch of the tender.

    In addition to the above conditions for disqualification, Code of Conduct for Suppliers defines all areas that PIN expects all of its suppliers at minimum to respect, and operate in ways that meet fundamental responsibilities in human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The Code of Conduct is defined by the Ten principles of the UN Global Compact [1]:

    • Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;
    • No involvement in human rights abuses;
    • Freedom of association and recognition of right to collective bargaining;
    • Employment is freely chosen, not forced or compulsory;
    • No exploitation of children and child labour;
    • No discrimination in respect of employment and occupation;
    • Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
    • Accept greater environmental responsibility promotion;
    • Encourage the development and spread of environmentally friendly technologies;
    • Adhering to highest standards of ethical conduct behaviour, including: working against corruption and all its forms, conflict of interest disclosure, respect to local laws.


    PIN may cancel the announced tender or not conclude contract with the winning tenderer in the following cases:





    PIN has not received any bid, or none of the bids received was qualitatively and/or financially worthwhile or all the bids received have been disqualified from the tender

    PIN has the right to cancel tender and proceed according to chapter Application of exemptions (exemption A.b) or A.e))


    Major discrepancies have been found in the Tender Notice or other supporting documentation of the tender

    PIN has the right to cancel tender and announce a new tender


    Serious circumstances have occurred during the tender which prevent PIN to continue the tender

    PIN has the right to cancel tender and proceed according to chapter Application of exemptions (exemption A.a))


    Only one bid, complying with the tender conditions, has been submitted

    PIN has the right to cancel tender and proceed according to chapter Application of exemptions (exemption A.c))


    The winning tenderer refuse to sign contract with PIN, have not stated true facts in their bid or their bid is at dumping price or otherwise jeopardizes free competition in the market (e.g. forbidden supplier agreements, cartels, abuse of the leading position in the market).

    PIN is entitled to either accept the bid of the bidder whose bid has ended at the second or other places or cancel the tender and announce a new tender.



    The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Tender, and PIN will in no case be responsible or liable for such costs.

    The tenderer hereby declares and warrants that has seen and understood the terms of the below mentioned policies and it complies and shall comply with all applicable terms and conditions specified therein:

    PIN Policy on Ethical Conduct, PIN Code of Conduct, PIN Anti-Corruption Policy and other related policies referred to therein, which are incorporated by reference and represent an integral part of this tender notice. Electronic copies containing the complete text are available at:

    The tenderer will immediately and without undue delay inform PIN of any event which interferes or threatens to materially interfere with this Tender notice, including suspicion of or actual fraud, corruption, bribery, theft, terrorist financing or other misuse of funds. Such information should be passed in the first instance to: 

    All information will be treated with the upmost confidentiality. Information can also be reported directly to the PIN programme team where appropriate, these will be immediately passed on to the above-mentioned e-mail address.

    PIN reserves the right to cancel the tender without giving any reason.

    List of Annexes:

    Annex I – Sworn Eligibility statement

    Annex II – Quotation form.

     [1] For more information, see


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