
Rehabilitation of the 2nd floor, roof insulation and waterproofing of the State Prosecutor Office Building in Cimislia



RFQ Ref: MD10-2022/02

Date: 01st July 2022

Section 1: The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an UN affiliated migration related agency and is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits both migrants and society. In the framework of Housing-NFI-CBI, IOM, Moldova now invites interested Bidders for the “Rehabilitation of the 2nd floor, roof insulation and waterproofing of the State Prosecutor Office Building in Cimislia.”

This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents:

Section 1: This request letter

Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data

Annex 1: Schedule of Requirements

Annex 2 (A): Tender BOQ (English)

Annex 2 (B): Deviz de cheltuieli (Romanian)

Annex 3: Drawing (zip file)

Annex 4: Photos of the Project site (zip file)

Annex 5: Quotation Submission Form,

Annex 6: Vendor Information Form

Annex 7: Code of Conduct

Annex 8: Bidder’s declaration of conformity

Annex 9: Technical and financial offer

Annex 10: Construction Contract

A complete set of Bidding Documents (mentioned above) is available for Interested Bidders at:

 Description   Reference number  Location

Rehabilitation of the 2nd floor, roof insulation and waterproofing of the State Prosecutor Office Building in Cimislia 

(MD10-2022/02)  Cimislia


                                                Timeline summary (MD10-2022/02)

 RFQ publication date  01. 07.2022   04:00PM

Last date of sending queries and conforming to attend in Prebid-meeting by email to

 04.07.2022  23.59PM
 Pre-bid Meeting   05.07.2022  11:00AM
 Place of Pre-bidmeeting    Constantin Stamati 4, Cimislia
 Deadline for Applicationsubmission    08.07.2022   03:00PM

When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the RFQ Instructions and Data. Please note that quotations must be submitted using Annex 5: Quotation Submission Form and Annex 9 Technical and Financial Offer, by the method and by the date and time indicated. It is your responsibility to ensure that your quotation is submitted on or before the deadline. Quotations received after the submission deadline, for whatever reason, will not be considered for evaluation.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotations.

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any bids, and to cancel the procurement process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without obligation to inform the affected Bidder/s of the ground for IOM action.

Sincerely yours,

Procurement Unit, IOM, Moldova

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