
A.O CONCORDIA. Proiecte Sociale invites qualified applicants to submit proposals for audit services as fully described in this TOR


EXTENDED Terms of reference (TOR) for EXTERNAL AUDIT

Project title: Wings4Youth of Moldova - Inclusive employability, peace and security among disadvantaged youth on both sides of the Nistru River


A.O CONCORDIA. Proiecte Sociale invites qualified applicants to submit proposals for audit services as fully described in this TOR. 

  Time Schedule:

The Audit shall be completed and submitted to A.O. CONCORDIA. Proiecte Sociale:

For the phase of 01.07.2021 to 30.06.2022 - By end of 22.08.2022

For the phase of 01.07.2022 to 30.06.2023 - By end of 22.08.2023

For the phase of 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2024 - By end of 22.08.2024

Project duration audited: 36 months, 01.07.2021 to 30.06.2024

Total project budget audited: EUR 362 092


The project "Wings4Youth of Moldova", which is implemented by CONCORDIA Moldova, is aimed at care leavers in the Republic of Moldova. The young people directly involved in the project are composed of (1) young people ageing out of CONCORDIA Moldova’s child care programmes, (2) other child/youth care provided by state and private organisations, and (3) families experiencing increased marginalization. The project Wings4Youth of Moldova will make a valuable contribution to investing in the young generation – the young care leavers in particular as one of the most vulnerable social groups.

All proposals in response to this TOR must be complete and received by no later than 17:00 pm, local time, 1st of July 2022. - Please consult the TOR and follow the application guidelines, as only applications submitted in accordance to the ADA guidelines can be reviewed under this TOR.


Any questions and/or requests for clarifications concerning this TOR must be submitted in writing via email to

Disclaimer: Service providers that have submitted their proposals under this project in the original TOR do not have to re-apply. Packages submitted under the previous call are automatically included in the Extended call.


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