The Non-Governmental Organization "Union of Young Roma from the Republic of Moldova" TARNA ROM is excited to invite your company to participate in our Open Tender(OT) for the provision of vauchers for the whinter cloth OT No. TARNA/MOL/2024/OT/SUPP0002 under UNHCR project.
Asociația Obștească „Uniunea Tinerilor Romi din Republica Moldova” TARNA ROM are plăcerea de a invita compania dumneavoastră să participe la Licitația Deschisă (LD) pentru furnizarea de vouchere pentru îmbrăcăminte de iarnă, LD nr. TARNA/MOL/2024/OT/SUPP0002 în cadrul proiectului UNHCR.
Request for Quotation Details |
RFQ #: |
TARNA/MOL/2024/OT/SUPP0002 |
Currency of Bid (3-letter code): |
RFQ Issuing Date: |
07.12.2024 |
Bid Validity Period (days): |
45 |
RFQ Closing Date: |
15.12.2024 |
Required Delivery Date: |
December 2024 |
RFQ Closing Time: |
17:00 p.m |
Required Delivery Destination: |
Chisinau, Moldova |
Questions to the RFQ | |
Required Delivery Terms: |
7 days after placing the order |
For Tarna Rom to Complete/Pentru Tarna Rom |
For Supplier to Complete/Pentru Furnizor |
Item # |
Description/Descriptie |
Unit/ Measure |
Quantity Required/Cantitati |
Voucher nominal value/ Valoarea nominală a voucherului |
Discount provided from supplier/reducerea oferita |
Country of Origin/Tara de origini |
Number of branches/Numarul de filiale |
1 |
A Voucher for the purchase of winter clothing for children. Un Voucher pentru achiziționarea hainelor de iarnă pentru copii |
pcs |
80 |
NOTE for the Suppliers:
The organization Tarna Rom plans to purchase 80 vouchers for the acquisition of winter clothing for children under UNHCR project. The maximum budget for our tender is 130,000 MDL excluding VAT. We require you to provide a completed table indicating the possible discount, assortment, country of origin, and the number of branches in the Republic of Moldova.
Please note that the committee based on several factors, namely, will determine the final decision regarding the winner of this tender: the provision of the maximum discount, the pricing of the offered assortment, the number of stores, and local production. These factors will be reviewed during an open session of the tender, scheduled for December 16 at 17 00, 2024, after which the final decision will be made.
The organization reserves the right to adjust the number or nominal value of vouchers, either increasing or decreasing it from the initially stated quantity, while the maximum possible budget amount remains unchanged.
In turn, the organization Tarna Rom is committed to sharing its decision with all participants of the tender to enhance the transparency of this procurement process.
Organizația Tarna Rom planifică să achiziționeze 80 de vouchere pentru procurarea hainelor de iarnă pentru copii in cadrul proiectului UNHCR. Bugetul maximal al licitației noastre este de 130,000 MDL fără TVA. Vă rugăm să ne furnizați un tabel completat cu indicarea posibilei reduceri, a sortimentului, a țării de origine și a numărului de filiale din Republica Moldova. Vă rugăm să luați în considerare că decizia finală privind câștigătorul acestui tender va fi luată de comisie pe baza mai multor factori, și anume: oferirea celui mai mare discount, prețurile sortimentului prezentat, numărul de magazine și producția locală. Aceste aspecte vor fi analizate în cadrul unei sesiuni deschise a tenderului, care va avea loc pe 16 decembrie 2024 la ora 17 00, iar decizia finală va fi luată ulterior.Organizația își rezervă dreptul de a modifica numărul de vouchere, fie prin creșterea, fie prin reducerea acestuia față de cantitatea declarată inițial, în timp ce suma maximă posibilă a bugetului rămâne neschimbata. La rândul său, organizația Tarna Rom se angajează să împărtășească decizia sa cu toți participanții la acest tender pentru a spori transparența acestui proces de achiziție.
Submission of Bid
You must submit one original of the RFQ Bid Form in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the RFQ number and the Bidders name. The bid can be delivered directly to the tender box, mailed, or delivered by courier services, or alternatively send by email to the following dedicated, secure & controlled email address:
Phone number
+373 79 730876
The following mandatory documents with the compulsory Open Tender Bid Form are to be submitted:
- RFQ Form - must be saved in PDF format, signed and stamp by authorized company representative
- Majority Owner’s ID copy (Optional)
- Company’s Registration Certificate issued by the relevant state authority (Extras)
- Tarna Rom Code of Conduct (signed and stamped)
- Tarna Rom Annex to Contract (signed and stamped)
- Catalogue with prices for the winter cloths.
All mandatory documents you can find here - or via request to the email:
Evaluation of Bids
All Bids received and accepted will be evaluated on a ‘line item’ basis as follows:
Contract Award
Under the ‘best value for money’ principle, Tarna Rom will award the contract to the ‘lowest responsive bid’ except where other considerations are warranted. These other considerations can be – total cost of ownership; cost of on-going consumables; price vs warranty; quality vs price.
RFQ Enquires
All enquires and questions should be addressed to the email given in the RFQ Detail’s section! All Q&A’s will be shared with all invited suppliers.
Alexandr Pruglo
Supply Chain Officer 07.12.2024
Alte articole de la acest autor:
- Șofer
- Asistent pe Educație și Protecție a Copilulu
- Anunțul de angajare Coordonator de Proiect pe angajare/ VBG