
Call for offers Donau Soja is seeking an Service Provider for professional translation services (written translation)

Issue date: 11.07.2022 Closing date: 18.07.2022

Call for offers

Donau Soja is seeking an

Service Provider for professional translation services (written translation) The Donau Soja Organisation (hereafter: the commissioner or Donau Soja) hereby invites seeking a freelance translator/-s/translation agency (hereafter: the service provider) to send in their proposal for the provision of the services described in this Call for offers. The service provider selected will perform professional translation services (written translation). This service will be conducted under the framework of the Strategic Partnership between Donau Soja and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). 1.   Background

1.1. Donau Soja

Donau Soja is an independent, international, non-profit, multi-stakeholder organisation aiming to effectively meet protein market demand and to provide a baseline for the development of high quality soya cultivation in the Danube region ( The organisation is seated in Vienna, Austria with regional offices in Novi Sad, Kiev and Chisinau.

1.2. Strategic Partnership Programme

At the beginning of 2017, Donau Soja and Austrian Development Agency (ADA) started the Strategic Partnership Programme in Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina planned to be implemented until August 2023.

The overall objective of the program is to build sustainable, inclusive and well-functioning value chains (local, regional and international) for Non-GM soya and organic soya in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine.

The Program proposes measures in nine areas (components: Production and processing, Value chain development, Awareness raising and sensitisation, Certification and labelling, Business environment and policy framework, International market development, Knowledge and technology management and transfer, Project development and Technical assistance, General administration and programme management) planned to be implement by Donau Soja through numerous measures and activities. All Program activities are to be implemented according to General Contract Conditions (Allgemeine Vertragsbedingungen), guidelines and requirements described in Guidelines for Visibility, considering DS and standards in international development, with special emphasis of DECD Standard (

For the implementation of Programme Building sustainable, inclusive and well-functioning value chains for Non-GM soya and organic soya in Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina local office in Moldova is seeking freelance translator/-s/translation agency who would be able to perform written translation services for translation services for the Donau Soya office in Moldova. In the framework of the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Programme, Donau Soja develops numerous knowledge-dissemination materials. To provide proper communication among the entire Donau Soja Team and its partners all over Europe, the professional translation services are necessary.

2.   The work of the service provider 2.1. Tasks

Written translation of:

  • Programme implementation related materials (English-Romanian).
  • Web-site (English –Romanian), quality and certification documentation, news, announcements, etc.

3. Timeframe

  • The assignment should start by July 2022.
  • Duration: open-ended, subject to organizational requirements, availability of funds and satisfactory performance.
  • The service will be requested at irregular intervals, upon Organization’s needs.

4. Reporting

The service provider will report to the Donau Soja coordinator, who will regularly communicate with the service provider and provide feedback and guidance on their performance and all other necessary support so to achieve objectives of the assignment, as well as remain aware of any upcoming issues related to contractors’ performance and quality of work. All activities and deliverables undertaken by the service provider shall be discussed and planned in consultation with the Donau Soja team. The service provider is expected to deliver all materials electronically. Delivered translated materials are considered as service outputs. No additional reporting is requested.

5. The requirements:

a. Experience on translating in agribusiness, agriculture, food safety and quality, biosafety sphere;

b. Service provider has to be legally registered to undertake the required work and the company profile and business license must be provided. In case services will be provided by freelancer, Individual entrepreneur registration is necessary.

6. Remuneration

The service provider will work under a framework agreement.

Payment for services rendered will be made against proof of evidence (issued invoices). The payment will be made on the account provided in the Invoice.

7. Selection criteria

The evaluation will be done based on following criteria:

1.      Fulfilment of the formal requirements defined in the ToR

2.      Price

3.      Professional experience

4.      Reputation of service provider/references

8. Documents to be provided
  • Financial proposal – the filled financial offer template (Annex 1), price including VAT, (please, specify the price in EUR and MDL for 1800 characters (1 page);
  • Registration certificate
  • Requisites on official letter head of the company
  • All documents should be sent to: by 19.07.2022, indicating “Service Provider for professional translation services (written translation)” in the subject.

    Workforce diversity

    “Donau Soja is committed to achieving diversity within its workforce, and encourages all qualified applicants, irrespective of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual orientation, culture, religious and ethnic backgrounds to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.”

    Annex 1: Cost calculation form


    Total cost (EUR)

    Total costs (MDL)

     Price for 1800 characters (1 page);



    Total (EUR)




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