
Announcement regarding the contracting of event organization services within the "MOVE IT like Lublin" Project


Chisinau City Administration launched the tender for the purchase of event organization services within the "MOVE IT like Lublin" Project.

Procurement procedure: Request for price offers (services).

The purpose of the purchase is: contracting the services of organizing the European Mobility Week 2022.

Mission description: Chisinau City Administration will contract a qualified company for the organization of the European Mobility Week - 2022 event, with the theme "Better connections". The purpose of the expected event is to increase public awareness of the need to transform the public transport system in the city of Chisinau, through the implementation of new policies based on EU best practices, which are focused on a set of key principles, such as – efficiency, sustainability, durability, safety.

Clarification period: August 12 - August 17, 2022.

Bid submission period: August 17 - August 23, 2022.

The evaluation criterion applied for awarding the contract: best ratio quality – price.

Offers or requests for participation will be submitted electronically through SIA RSAP

For more information on this tender, please see:

For more details on the format of this year's event, please see the website:

Articol adaugat de: Vera Alte articole:
  • Anunț privind contractarea serviciilor de organizare a unui eveniment în cadrul Proiectului "MOVE IT like Lublin"