
Invitation to Tender for a licensing agreement for Operation of Cafeteria Services at American Embassy in Chisinau, Moldova


U.S Embassy Moldova is announcing a call for tenders for a licensing agreement for operation of Cafeteria Services at American Embassy in Chisinau, Moldova. 

General Information  Submit an original and two copies of the tender, prepared in such format and detail as to enable the Licensor to make a thorough evaluation.  The tender package shall not be sealed in an envelope and clearly identify company name and manager and address or sent via email. Identify and explain any deviations, exceptions, or assumptions taken regarding any of the instructions or requirements.

Contents of Tender: The first part of the tender will address general information about the person/firm submitting the tender, including experience and references.  The second part of the tender will address the performance requirements. .  EACH TENDER MUST BE SIGNED BY A PERSON AUTHORIZED TO BIND THE FIRM.  ACKNOWLEDGE ANY AMENDMENTS TO THIS INVITATION TO TENDER IN THE FIRST PART OF THE TENDER SO THE EVALUATORS CAN BE CERTAIN THAT THE TENDER REFLECTS ANY CHANGES TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS.  Address the following areas in the order shown below:


Part I - General Information

Prior Quality of Service and Experience:  List all contracts and Licensing Agreements your company has held over the past three-five years for the same or similar work.

Financial Capability: Describe your company’s financial condition and capability. Provide a current financial statement.

Other General Company Information.  Provide copies of recent health inspections.


Part II – Performance Required

Menu cycle and variety: State the length of your menu cycle and how often it changes throughout the year.  Provide the complete menu cycle that you will implement, showing selling prices. 

Menu portion, prices and standard unit measurement price: State your pricing policies and procedures for establishing portion sizes and prices.  Provide a complete menu price and portion book.

Sanitation: Include standards, operating requirements, sanitation training programs, inspection procedures, frequency schedules, and management reports

Licensee’s Maintenance, Use and Inventory Programs: Discuss use and inventory programs for all equipment and supplies used in performance of the Agreement.  A preventative maintenance program shall include repairs, replacement, and other capital rehabilitation work.


All tenders must be submitted to the following address:   or 103 Mateevici street, Chisinau, Moldova.

Tender Submission and Due Date August 5, 2022. 

There will be a site visit and a conference that will allow interested parties the opportunity to pose any questions they may have concerning the Invitation for Tenders and to view the site where the services are to be provided. Interested parties are urged to submit written questions using the address provided in the cover letter to this Invitation to Tender at least two days before the date of the conference.

This visit and conference will be held on August 3, 2022. Interested parties should register by emailing at before July 29, 2022 with next information:

1) First name, Last name, 2) ID serial number, 3) Company, 4). At that time, the caller will be advised regarding where they shall meet. 


Please carefully read this document with all the information of interest by accessing this link:  

Articol adaugat de: Irina Garstea