
Tender on conducting an end-line survey of service delivery and local governance in Ma Implic partner LPAs



of Service Delivery and Local Governance

in Ma Implic partner LPA

Part A: Terms of Reference

See the attached DOCUMENT

Part B: Information on the bid

                        1. Required contents of the bid

Invited bidders are expected to submit a TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, comprising the following:

  • A description of the Company qualifications according to point “company qualification”;
  • A technical proposal containing proposed adjustments to the survey methodology (Annex 1 to the ToR, to be requested via email: according of the requirements described above as well as any comments on the ToR;
  • An activity schedule with the deadlines for every output to be presented in one single pdf-document, not exceeding 10 pages.

The Technical Proposal must be presented in English language.

and a FINANCIAL PROPOSAL (fixed price), clearly identifying the

- net price for the delivery of the services (excluding VAT[1])

to be presented in one single pdf-document, not exceeding 1 page.

The Financial Proposal must be presented in English language.

Both parts of the proposal must be submitted by email (non-encrypted, no password-protection) to the address:, clearly stating: PROPOSAL [name / abbreviation of your organization] ENDLINE SURVEY in the subject line

                        2. Evaluation of the bid: award criteria

- Company qualifications according to  point “company qualification”                                  max 25 points

- description of the methodology to deliver the services (data collection and sample size)    max 25 points

- timetable of implementation and delivery of the services                                                      max 25 points

- financial proposal                                                                                            max 25 points (lowest price)


Part C: Administrative aspects

Information on the contracting authority

The services will be rendered to the project Mă Implic – Project on civic engagement in local governance (Phase 1: 01.11.2019-31.10.2023) which is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Skat Consulting Ltd. Skat Consulting Ltd. is a Swiss consulting company with 40 years of track record of successful, high-impact projects and partnerships, adding value to companies, organizations, and government agencies at home and abroad. Since more than 12 years Skat is supporting local public administrations in Moldova and neighboring countries. The Ma Implic project is implemented on the territory of the Republic of Moldova by Fundatia Centrul Moldo-Elvetian pentru Cooperare SKAT, fiscal code 1020620001626, with registered address at 34 A. Mateevici street, Chisinau, MD-2012, Republic of Moldova.

Timetable of the Invitation procedure

Deadline for submission of proposals: 21 March 2023, 16:00 (EET)

Notification of award:  24 March 2023 (est)

[1] According to the Agreement signed in September 2001 between the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Switzerland, ratified by the Law of the Parliament of RM No. 789-XV dated 28.12.2001 (MO dated 17.01.2002), Fiscal Code of RM (Art. 104 p. “c1”), Decision of the Government of RM No. 246 dated 08.04.2010, with all modifications and further amendments, the import and/or delivery on the territory of the country of the goods and services for the ongoing investment and technical assistance projects, covered by international treaties to which Moldova is a party, are exempted of import tax, any custom fees, as well as the VAT exemption is applied with the right of deduction. Registration number of the Ma Implic Project is 872119813089.

Articol adaugat de: Fundatia SKATAlte articole de la acest autor:
  • Website Manager