Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată TECHNO NOBLE

Moldova   Moldova
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Full name

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată TECHNO NOBLE

Organizational-legal form

Societăţi cu răspundere limitată


mun. Chişinău, sec. Centru, str. Armenească, 51A

List of leaders

Tax code


Date of registration




VAT data
Registration number
He is not a VAT payer
Data on excise duties
Registration number
It has no excise duties

Last update of company data



                                        Company Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată TECHNO NOBLE was founded on 05.03.2024, to which the fiscal code 1024600016488 was assigned.
        Acting on the legal address Moldova,
        mun. Chişinău, sec. Centru, str. Armenească, 51A


The information about Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată TECHNO NOBLE, founded on 05.03.2024, is extracted from open sources. is the main official source that provides access to open data. Business information is updated in real time, from truthful sources. Thus, the portal provides up-to-date information, reflecting data from various fields of economic activity and revealing the image of economic agents of interest to eData users. As a user of this site, if you have information that is not found in the company profile (for example: contact number, email, website), you can add contacts by clicking on "Add contact". Additional information about the company can be viewed by purchasing one of the subscriptions available on the subscriptions page, each of the packages having a specific set of options and access to a vast amount of data. The information displayed on the eData website is for informational purposes only and may not be used as official documents. Both the eData platform and its employees do not offer any guarantee and do not bear any responsibility for the information published on the site. If incorrect information has been found, please contact us at