
RfP for Comunitatea Mea Program Communication Services


SUBJECT: RfP for Comunitatea Mea Program Communication Services

RFP No.: FY23-CM-CS (01) 

Date of Issuance: August 17, 2022

Closing Date for Submission of Proposal: September 02, 2022, 10:00 (Chisinau local time)

Project: Comunitatea Mea Program

IREX: International Research and Exchanges Board

The Comunitatea Mea (CM) Program, administered by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) and funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), invites applicants to submit a proposal for the Comunitatea Mea Program Communication Services to ensure the visibility of the Program activities and to communicate about its results, as per enclosed in the Technical Specification (TS).


For a better implementation of the Comunitatea Mea Program AO IREX Moldova intends to subcontract a company that will ensure the visibility of its activities at national and local level and will communicate about its results. The company will design and implement communication services in promoting the community development projects within the Comunitatea Mea Program, as well as other activities related to the implementation of the Program.

The activities of the company will include organization of the inauguration/ launch events, collaboration with mass media, elaboration of texts/articles and their dissemination in mass media, production of promo materials (factsheet, roll ups, banners, and other promotional items).


  • Experience in developing and implementing communication campaigns
  • Experience in working with mass media, including online
  • Experience in communication domain, elaboration of the communication and promo materials
  • Capacity to deliver under tight deadlines
  • Previous positive experience in working with international Organizations is an advantage


The proposal package will comprise the following documents in Romanian or English:          I. Technical Proposal.

The Technical Proposal should include the following documents:

  • A company profile including an activity report with relevant examples of completed similar assignments performed during the last 2 years (up to 2 pages) and at least 2 references. PLEASE NOTE: IREX reserves the right to contact all current and former beneficiaries (purchasers) of the Applicant for reference information.
  • Company Portfolio with samples of relevant works, including CVs of task managers
  • Copy of the Registration Certificate or Decision of the Registration of the company (Certificat de Înregistrare eliberat de Agenția Servicii Publice sau Decizia de Înregistrare).II. Proposal Submission Form (Annex II).III. Financial Proposal Form (Annex III).IV. Experience and Past Performance Form (Annex IV)


    Percentage weighting




    Proven experience in conducting similar assignments, including production of videos and communication materials. 

    Key Staff


    Detailed information on staff, their professional background and experience in conducting similar assignments



    Reasonableness and appropriateness of cost.

    Clear alignment between level of effort, technical approach, and deliverables.





  • Attached are the documents required for proposal submission:
    • Technical Specifications (TS) (Annex I)
    • Proposal Submission Form (Annex II)
    • Financial Proposal Form (Annex III)
    • Experience and Past Performance Form (Annex IV)
  • Proposals must be comprised of a proposal submission form, a technical proposal, a financial proposal form, experience and past performance form and all other required documents as stated in the clause 4 PROPOSAL CONTENT from the Instructions for Applicants, Annex I Technical Specifications (TS).
  • Submittal requirements:
    • Please scan, sign, and submit your proposal via e-mail to:
    • The Subject line of the email should read: “RFP No.: FY23-CM-CS (01), Company Name.”
  • Only officially registered companies in the Republic of Moldova are eligible to submit the proposals.
  • Proposals must be written in English or Romanian.
  • All proposal prices indicated in the financial proposal form should be appropriate, reasonable, quoted in Moldovan lei (MDL), and should indicate VAT excluded.
  • Partial and or incomplete proposals shall be rejected as non-responsive.
  • If the Applicants have questions or clarifications, please send them to The subject line should have: “Questions for RFP No. FY23-CM-CS (01)” in the subject title.

    Questions/clarifications must be submitted in writing. Phone calls will not be accepted. IREX will respond in writing to any request for clarifications.

    Please go to for more information


  • Request for Proposals
  • Annex II: Proposal Submission Form
  • Annex III: Financial Proposal Form
  • Annex IV: Experience and Past Performance Form
  • Articol adaugat de: Ana Stetchi Alte articole:
    • IREX Moldova - Anunț de angajare a unui expert în domeniul digitalizării serviciilor publice
    • IREX Moldova - Anunț de angajare a unui coordonator de program în domeniul politicilor publice privind descentralizarea – full-time / aproximativ 3 ani
    • IREX Moldova - Anunț de angajare a unui coordonator de program în domeniul participării cetățenilor la luarea deciziilor – full-time / aproximativ 3 ani
    • IREX Moldova Anunț de angajare a unui expert în domeniul egalitate de gen, participare civică a tinerilor și activităților de incluziune socială – full-time/aproximativ 3 ani