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Wholesale trade in textile goods
Retail trade in clothes
Retail sale of shoes and leather products in specialized stores
Retail trade in pharmaceutical products in specialized shops
Passenger ground transport of urban and suburban communications
Деятельность посредников в торговле древесиной
Sale of other vehicles
fier și alte produse metalice
Wholesale trade of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
haine de blană
Trade in cars and passenger vehicles
nave și aeronave
Лизинг интеллектуальной собственности и подобных продуктов
Research on market conditions and public opinion
Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
Clock and jewelry repair
crustacee și moluște
Wholesale trade of other machines and equipment
Pipeline transport
Неспециализированная оптовая торговля продовольственными товарами
Wholesale trade of clothes and shoes
reproducere a sunetului și a imaginii
gazous și produse similare
Wholesale trade in perfumery and cosmetic goods
Розничная торговля хлебобулочными изделиями
Retail trade of motorcycles
Retail sale of tobacco products in specialized shops
Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods
Retail sales of audio and video recordings in specialized stores
Оптовая торговля мебелью
Retail of sports equipment in specialized stores
Other types of retail outside stores
Wholesale trade of other goods of economic purpose
Wholesale of fruits and vegetables
Wholesale of tobacco products
Оптовая торговля компьютерами
Retail sale of other food in specialized stores
Retail sale of fuel
Retail of telecommunication equipment in specialized stores
Деятельность посредников в торговле продуктами питания
Оптовая торговля машинами и оборудованием для текстильного
Rent of goods for sports and recreation
Rent video recordings and discs
reproducere a sunetului și a imaginii
Retail trade in cosmetics and toiletries in specialized shops
Retail sale of other unused goods in specialized stores
reproducere a sunetului și a imaginii
Retail trade in used goods in shops
Розничная торговля с лотков и на рынках пищевыми продуктами
Розничная торговля с лотков и на рынках текстильными изделиями
Long-distance passenger rail transport
Cargo rail transport
Taxi services
Прочие виды пассажирского наземного транспорта
Other types of publishing activity
Advertising agencies
Repair and maintenance of other vehicles
Mediation in advertising in the media
Specialized design activity
Activity in the sphere of photography
Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
Wholesale of live animals
Оптовая торговля сахаром
Оптовая торговля электронным и телекоммуникационным оборудованием
Wholesale of machine tools
Wholesale trade of machinery and equipment for mining industry and construction
Rental of other household goods and items of personal consumption
Rental of construction machinery and equipment
Rental of water vehicles
Rental of air vehicles
nu sunt atribuite altor grupuri
Repair of communication equipment
Ремонт бытовых приборов
Repair of shoes and leather products
Wholesale of metals and metal ores
Оптовая торговля древесиной
Wholesale of waste and scrap
Other types of retail in non-specialized stores
Retail sale of fruits and vegetables in specialized shops
Розничная торговля рыбой
Розничная торговля компьютерами
Retail sale of textile goods in specialized stores
Розничная торговля железными изделиями
acoperirilor de perete și podele în magazine specializate
Розничная торговля мебелью
Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores
Retail trade of games and toys in specialized stores
Retail from trays and markets of other goods
осуществляемая фирмами почтового заказа или через сеть Интернет
Repair and maintenance of vessels and boats
Provision of services of transportation of things (moving)
Activity in the field of law
Rental of cars and passenger vehicles
Rental of trucks
Repair and maintenance of finished metal products
Repair and maintenance of air and space aircraft
Деятельность посредников
Wholesale trade of meat and meat products
Repair and maintenance of electronic and optical equipment
Repair and maintenance of other machines and equipment
Installation and installation of machines and equipment
Electricity generation
cacao și condimente
Оптовая торговля фарфором
Wholesale of office furniture
Electricity transmission
Electricity distribution
Electricity trade
Gas production
Торговля газом через местные (локальные) трубопроводы
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Строительство других зданий
Rental of agricultural machinery and equipment
Оптовая торговля продукцией из чугуна
Wholesale of chemical products
Repair of furniture and home utensils
Activities of intermediaries in the trade of goods of a wide range
Wholesale trade of flowers and plants
Retail sale of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
Оптовая торговля кожсырьем
Repair of other household goods and items of personal consumption
întreținerea și repararea motocicletelor
materii prime textile și produse semifinite
metale și produse chimice industriale
Оптовая торговля зерном
Оптовая торговля молочными продуктами
Non-specialized wholesale trade
Розничная торговля в неспециализированных магазинах преимущественно продуктами питания
Wholesale trade of other intermediate products
Construction of pipelines
Retail sale of watches and jewelry in specialized stores
Cargo road transport
Wholesale of watches and jewelry
Construction of power supply and telecommunications facilities
Wholesale of other office machines and equipment
Repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment for industrial use
Retail trade of meat and meat products in specialized shops
Distribution of gas-like fuel through local (local) pipelines
Wholesale of drinks
Предоставление в аренду офисных машин и оборудования
Retail sale of household electric products in specialized stores
Подача пара
Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
Construction of roads and highways
Organization of construction of buildings
Construction of railways and subways
Dismantling (disassembly) of machines and equipment
Retail trade in medical and orthopedic goods in specialized shops
Construction of bridges and tunnels
Retail sale of books in specialized shops
Company ТОВАРИСТВО З ОБМЕЖЕНОЮ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЮ "ГЛЕН-БУД" does not have licensed activities