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ТОВАРИСТВО З ОБМЕЖЕНОЮ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЮ "Охоронно детективне агенство "Арго"
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Добыча других полезных ископаемых и разработка карьеров
Provision of auxiliary services in the field of oil and natural gas extraction
Production of working clothes
Production of other outerwear
Выращивание зерновых культур (за исключением риса)
Growing sugar cane
Growing tobacco
Growing of other annual and two-year cultures
Rice cultivation
Выращивание овощей и бахчевых культур
Cultivation of spicy crops
Growing grapes
Cultivation of tropical and subtropical fruits
Growing citrus
Growing of pomegranate and stone fruits
alți pomi fructiferi și arbuști
Growing oilseeds
Growing crops for beverage production
Выращивание пряных
Cultivation of other perennial crops
Reproduction of plants
Breeding of large cattle dairy breeds
Breeding of other cattle and buffalo
Breeding horses and other animals of the family of horses
Breeding camels and other animals of the camel family
Breeding sheep and goats
Breeding pigs
Printing of other products
Production of panel parquet
Production of other wooden building structures and joinery products
Manufacture of wooden containers
paie și materiale vegetale pentru țesut
Paper mass production
Production of paper and cardboard
Производство гофрированной бумаги и картона
Production of paper products for household and sanitary-hygienic purposes
Production of printing forms and rendering of other printing services
Broad-based and pallet-based activities and services related to it
Production of paper office products
Production of wallpapers
Production of other paper and cardboard products
Printing of newspapers
Production of sheet glass
Производство кирпича
Production of household and decorative ceramic products
Manufacture of building products from plastic
Production of other plastic products
Manufacture of ceramic sanitary and technical products
Manufacture of ceramic electrical insulation and insulation fittings
Manufacture of other ceramic products of technical purpose
Cement production
Forming and processing of sheet glass
Production of hollow glass
Производство и переработка других изделий из стекла
Production of other ceramic products
Production of glass fiber
Production of refractory products
Manufacture of ceramic tiles and plates
Production of lime and gypsum mixtures
Manufacture of concrete products for construction
Production of gypsum products for construction
Production of dry building mixtures
Manufacture of products from fibrous cement
Production of concrete solutions
Производство других изделий из бетона
Production of abrasive products
Aluminum production
цинка и олова
Copper production
Производство неметаллических минеральных продуктов
Cold rental of a narrow staff
Production of other non-ferrous metals
Production of nuclear materials
Casting iron
Casting steel
Production of construction metal structures and parts of structures
Casting of light non-ferrous metals
Производство чугуна
Производство труб
Cold dragging of rods and profiles
Cold stamping and bending
Casting of other non-ferrous metals
Cold wire dragging
Production of precious metals
Production of steel barrels and similar containers
Production of light metal packaging
Производство проволочной продукции
Production of fasteners and grooves
Manufacture of magnetic and optical data carriers
Производство электродвигателей
Production of electrical distribution and control equipment
Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
Production of fiber-optic cables
Производство других готовых металлических изделий
Production of electronic components
Production of mounted electronic boards
Production of computers and peripheral equipment
Production of communication equipment
Производство электронного оборудования для бытовых целей для приема
Производство приборов и оборудования для измерений
Production of watches
Manufacture of other types of electronic and electric wires and cables
Manufacture of electrical installation devices
Production of electric lighting equipment
Production of metal doors and windows
Production of radiators and boilers of central heating
Производство других металлических баков
Производство паровых котлов
Production of weapons and ammunition
Metal processing and coating on metals
Mechanical processing of metal products
Production of cutlery
Manufacture of locks and door hinges
Production of tools
Производство радиологического
Production of optical devices and photographic equipment
Производство духовых шкафов
Production of non-electric household appliances
motoare și motociclete
Production of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment
Production of other pumps and compressors
Production of electrical household appliances
Production of other cranes and valves
Производство других машин и оборудования общего назначения
Production of machinery and equipment for agriculture and forestry
elemente mecanice și dispozitive de acționare mecanice
Production of metalworking machines
Production of other electrical equipment
Производство подъемного и грузово-разгрузочного оборудования
Производство офисных машин и оборудования
Production of manual electromechanical and pneumatic tools
Production of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment
Производство других машин и специального оборудования
Production of motor vehicles
Production of other machines
Production of machines and equipment for metallurgy
Production of machinery and equipment for mining and construction
Production of electric and electronic equipment for motor vehicles
Производство машин и оборудования для изготовления пищевых продуктов и напитков
blană și produse din piele
Building of vessels and floating structures
Production of machines and equipment for the manufacture of paper and cardboard
Manufacture of machines and equipment for the manufacture of plastics and rubber
Производство кузовов для автотранспортных средств
Производство других узлов
Construction of boats for rest and sports purposes
Production of railway locomotives and rolling stock
Производство воздушных и космических летательных аппаратов
Production of military vehicles
Производство велосипедов
Производство других транспортных средств и оборудования
Production of jewelry and similar products
Manufacturing of jewelry and similar products
Production of musical instruments
Production of sports goods
Production of games and toys
Manufacture of motorcycles
Production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises
Manufacture of kitchen furniture
Production of mattresses
Production of other furniture
Production of medical and dental instruments and materials
Production of brooms and brushes
Производство другой продукции
Repair and maintenance of finished metal products
Repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment for industrial use
Repair and maintenance of electronic and optical equipment
Installation and installation of machines and equipment
Publishing computer games
Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
Repair and maintenance of air and space aircraft
Repair and maintenance of other machines and equipment
Publication of books
Publication of magazines and journals.
Производство кино- и видеофильмов
Repair and maintenance of vessels and boats
Publication of directories and catalogs
Other types of publishing activity
Publication of other software
Repair and maintenance of other vehicles
Компоновка кино- и видеофильмов
Activities in the field of television broadcasting
Demonstration of movies
Other activities in the field of telecommunications
Computer programming
Production of audio recordings.
Activities in the field of radio broadcasting
Activities in the field of wired telecommunications
Consulting on informatization
Activity on computer equipment management
Other activities in the field of information technology and computer systems
Обработка данных
Распространение кино- и видеофильмов
Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications
Activities in the field of satellite telecommunications
Web portals
Activities of information agencies
Предоставление других информационных услуг
Activity of the main departments (head-offices)
Purchase and sale of own real estate
Închirierea și exploatarea imobilelor proprii sau închiriate
Real estate agencies
Management of real estate for remuneration or on the basis of a contract
Activity in the field of law
Бухгалтерский учет и аудиторская деятельность
Activities in the field of public relations
Consulting on commercial activities and management
Activities in the field of architecture
furnizarea de servicii de consiliere tehnice în aceste domenii
Technical testing and research
Research and experimental developments in the field of biotechnology
Research and experimental developments in the field of other natural and technical sciences
Research and experimental developments in the sphere of social and humanitarian sciences
Advertising agencies
Mediation in advertising in the media
Research on market conditions and public opinion
Specialized design activity
Activity in the sphere of photography
Translation services
care nu sunt atribuite altor grupuri
Veterinary activity
Activity of private security services
Maintenance of security systems
Conducting investigations
Complex maintenance of objects
General cleaning of houses
Other cleaning activities for houses and industrial facilities
Activities of call centers
Organizing congresses and trade exhibitions
Предоставление других вспомогательных коммерческих услуг
Other cleaning activities
Providing landscape services
Provision of combined office administrative services
Activities of payment agencies and credit history bureaus
Breeding poultry
Breeding other animals
Mixed agriculture
Auxiliary activity in plant production
Auxiliary activity in animal husbandry
Processing seeds for reproduction
Forestry and other forestry activities
Post-harvest activity
Collection of wild non-wood products
Provision of auxiliary services in forestry
Marine fishing
Marine fish farming (aquaculture)
Mining of stone coal
Mining of brown coal
Extraction of crude oil
Extraction of natural gas
Mining of iron ores
lut și caolin
Mining of mineral raw materials for chemical industry and production of mineral fertilizers
Peat extraction
Salt production
Provision of auxiliary services in the field of extraction of other minerals and development of quarries
Meat production
Production of poultry meat
Production of meat products
Переработка и консервация рыбы
Processing and canning of potatoes
Production of fruit and vegetable juices
Production of oil and animal fats
Production of margarine and similar food fats
Переработка молока
Ice cream production
Production of flour and cereal industry products
Production of starch and starch products
Производство хлеба и хлебобулочных изделий; производство мучных кондитерских изделий
Производство сухарей и сухого печенья; производство мучных кондитерских изделий
Production of pasta and similar flour products
Sugar production
Производство какао
Production of tea and coffee
Production of spices and seasonings
Production of finished food and meal
Production of baby food and dietary food
Производство других пищевых продуктов
содержащихся на фермах
Production of finished pet food
Production of grape wines
Производство сидра и других фруктовых и ягодных вин
Production of other non-distilled beverages from fermented products
Malt production
Производство безалкогольных напитков; производство минеральных вод и других вод
Production of tobacco products
Preparation and spinning of textile fibers
Weaving production
Decoration of textile products
Production of knitted fabric
Производство готовой текстильной продукции
Manufacture of carpets and carpet products
sfoară și plase
Производство нетканых текстильных материалов и изделий из них
технической и промышленной продукции
Manufacture of underwear
Production of other clothes and accessories
Manufacture of goods from fur
Manufacture of hosiery
Production of other knitted and knitted clothing
Дубление шкур и отделка кожи
șei din piele și alte materiale
Freshwater fishing (aquaculture)
Extraction of uranium and thorium ores
Mining of ores of other non-ferrous metals
Other types of processing and preservation of fruits and vegetables
Производство других текстильных изделий
Production of beer
Production of leather clothes
Production of plastic in primary forms
Manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms
Production of perfumery and cosmetic products
Production of explosives
Production of adhesives
Manufacture of footwear
Sawmill and planing production
Тиражирование звукового
Coke and coke products production
Production of other main organic chemicals
Production of refined petroleum products
Production of industrial gases
Manufacture of dyes and pigments
Production of pesticides and other agrochemical products
Производство красок
Производство мыла и моющих средств
Production of essential oils
Production of other major inorganic chemicals
Production of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
Production of other rubber products
Производство другой химической продукции
țevi și profile din plastic
Production of artificial and synthetic fibers
Production of basic pharmaceutical products
Manufacture of pharmaceutical medications and materials
Производство резиновых шин
Production of plastic containers
Company ТОВАРИСТВО З ОБМЕЖЕНОЮ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЮ "Охоронно детективне агенство "Арго" does not have licensed activities